Friday, October 14, 2011

Mosquitoville, NC

Arriving in New Bern put us one step closer to setting sail.  It also put us in the middle of mosquito central. Apparently, there have been estimates of almost 200 mosquito landings in one minute per person.  I haven't personally counted but I know that when we take Kala out - we come back with no less than 15 bites.  I even have some on my face.  Today, I ate one.  One of the most unpleasant experiences, ever.  Taught me that I shouldn't talk to Kala when we're outside.    They are not expected to go away until the first frost and we plan to be in Georgia or Florida by then.

So - when we aren't outside playing with mosquitos, we are inside working on the boat.  The other day Baxter opened the cabinet under the sink and a pipe broke.  That's just an example of how you can be focused on getting things working and moving along when a pipe just spontaneously breaks and now you can do nothing else until that works.
Cutter vs. Mosquito
Corroded sink pipe
Preparing to clean the water tanks and bleed air from the fresh water pump.

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