Leaving our anchorage right before the Albemarle Sound, we headed for what I have coined "Foggy Bay" (idea soon to be submitted to Dozier's Cruising Guide). It is the perfect anchorage where you can go over a mile back in the anchorage and still be in 10-12 feet of water.

The next morning was a 5:45 am departure with a sunrise that was beyond explanation. By time we got to the Bay River and Neuse River junction, it was a beautiful sunny day and we rolled out the jib and the main and enjoyed a cockpit shower. We made such good time with the wind slightly off the nose, we were able to make it all the way back to New Bern by 6:20p.m. (over 70+nm).
It was great to be back in town but our sleep was predominated by dreams of ICW channel markers and the feeling of moving along, only to wake and realize we were docked.
As Steve and Stevie left for their trip back to Tennessee, Baxter and I worked on closing up Stella Blue and headed to Utah with a layover in Atlanta. This summer should be great with lots of ideas in mind but who knows what the next blog will include. We look forward to seeing Stella Blue in a couple months (avoiding hurricane season and the hot southern summer) and will be planning our winter. We welcome friends and family to join us on the boat or in Utah!
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